Eco Hotel Doña Mayor
The Eco Hotel Doña Mayor in Frómista, apart from a wonderful, warm and unique accommodation, offers small swords.
eL Camino ESS / Turismo y Economía Social y Solidaria
El Camino ESS surge como una propuesta turística alternativa a través de experiencias sostenibles y responsables en Cataluña, Aragón, La Rioja, Castilla y León y Galicia. Un camino formado por proyectos e iniciativas de Economía Social y Solidaria* (ESS) que generan un impacto positivo en el territorio, y que ahora pueden ser también una experiencia dentro del CAMINO ESS.
The Eco Hotel Doña Mayor in Frómista, apart from a wonderful, warm and unique accommodation, offers small swords.
We are a worker cooperative, a model of social economy focused on people, democratic with a vocation of service, social and environmental commitment. We promote bicycles as an ecological, economical and healthy means of transportation for sustainable mobility.
We suggest a visit on Plum Blossom Day, the Green Claudia Plum Festival or Prune Day.
On these special dates you can enjoy a yayacleta route, through an area of our trails with history and enjoy the landscape of our valley, while we chat about the environmental projects of our caring community.
If you want to live a complete experience, you can also write to us to collect Claudia plums, learn how to make dried apricots and raisins, or plant a tree in the forest of trees with names (project to increase forest mass and carbon sinks)
Do you want to know the cooperative system of the Poble Nou neighborhood in Barcelona? Together with the Biciclot we show you!!!
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